HealthCrisis or Eugenics Plot? SmartMeters, Cell Towers and 5G

May 8, 2018
Occupy Democrats Parody

What on the surface may appear as positive advancement in connectivity and “progress” is believed by some to be part of a dark “progressive” agenda.

Deborah Tavares from joins SGTReports for this emergency broadcast recorded May 7, 2018. It is now overwhelmingly obvious that the 5G rollout is a Biometric weapons system and a mass sterilization and eugenics program. Please folks, stand up and DO something about it NOW.

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©2018 Occupy Democrats Parody

The Feminist Cult and Their Blood Sacrifice Abortion Rites

January 28, 2017
Updated October 20, 2022

ODP Staff

Language drives culture and attitudes as much as these underlying common understandings and perceptions are reflected in language.  Euphemisms serve as an effective barrier between a word’s true meaning, and what we might prefer, or find more “comfortable.”

Just as layers insulate us from cold weather, layering the global pastime of blood sacrifice in a plurality of euphemisms protect us from thinking too much about what, if done in daylight even to a dog, would be an unspeakable atrocity.

Fetus slaughter is given a more neutral term, “feticide” which is in turn wrapped in another euphemism “abortion.”  Some might still see that for what it is, and so it becomes simply “choice.”   And now an extremely ugly business is both out of sight, and out of mind.  What’s more,  only “bullies” and “zealots” could ever be opposed to “choice.”

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